Climate data guide content with tag KML
Global Permafrost Zonation Index Map
Years of record
- N/A
This data set contains a global (excluding Antarctica) 1 km map of permafrost zonation. It is an estimate of to what degree permafrost exists in a region nearly everywhere, or only in the most favorable conditions. These local conditions affecting permafrost occurrence will partly exhibit regional trends (e.g. mean snow cover characteristics or continentality), partly…
Experts contributing reviews
- Gruber, Stephan
Global surface temperature data: HadCRUT4 and CRUTEM4
Years of record
- to
Extending back to 1850 and frequently updated, HadCRUT4 is the longest data set of its type. HadCRUT4 is a combination of the global land surface temperature data set, CRUTEM4 and the global SST data set, HadSST3. HadCRUT4 is different from the most closely comparable products (e.g. NASA GISTEMP and NOAA MLOST) in that no interpolation is performed. As such, there are…
Main variables and Earth System components
Atmosphere Air Temperature Ocean SST - sea surface temperature-
- Climatology, Monthly
- Global
Experts contributing reviews
- N/A