Oceanic variables include sea surface temperature, salinity, currents, air-sea heat fluxes, ocean heat content, and much more. Overview pages summarize and compare selected datasets of a given variable.
To find a specific dataset or variable, jump to the search box below or click your desired variable from among the blue sub-category buttons.
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Climate datasets

Years of record
- to
The global sea level record from tide gauges is an important indicator of the evolution and impact of global climate change. Tide gauge data also capture a variety of…
- N/A
- Sub-daily, Daily, Monthly, Annual
- Global
- N/A
Experts contributing reviews
- Hamlington, Benjamin | Thompson, Phil

Years of record
- to
The global mean sea level timeseries is an excellent, integrative indicator of climate change, providing a record independent of common metrics like global surface air…
Experts contributing reviews
- Nerem, R.S.

Years of record
- to
The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Version 2.0 Surface Flux and Meteorological Dataset is a monthly mean gridded dataset of marine surface measurements and derived…
- netCDF
- Monthly
- Global
- Climate Data Record
Experts contributing reviews
- Kent, Elizabeth

Years of record
- to
HadCRUT5 is one of the main datasets used to monitor global and regional surface temperature variability and trends. It is a global surface temperature product that combines…
Main variables and Earth System components
Atmosphere Air Temperature at 2m Ocean SST - sea surface temperature-
- netCDF
- Monthly
- Global
- Diagnostic Data Sets
Experts contributing reviews
- Hausfather, Zeke

Years of record
- to
The sea surface height relative to the geoid (the mean ocean surface of the Earth if the ocean is at rest) is derived from TOPEX/Poseidon, Envisat, Jason-1, and OSTM/Jason-2…
Experts contributing reviews
- N/A

Years of record
- to
The Southern Ocean State Estimate (SOSE) is a model-generated best fit to Southern Ocean observations. As such, it provides a quantitatively useful climatology of the…
Main variables and Earth System components
Ocean 3D Velocity Bottom pressure SST - sea surface temperature Salinity Sub Surface Temperature mixed layer depth sea surface height u, v current components Wind Stress-
- binary
- Daily, Monthly, Weekly, Annual
- N/A
Experts contributing reviews
- Mazloff, Matthew

Years of record
- to
There are several indices used to monitor the tropical Pacific, all of which are based on sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies averaged across a given region. …
- ascii
- Monthly
- Pacific Ocean, Tropics
- Climate Analysis Section (CAS) Data Catalog
Experts contributing reviews
- Trenberth, Kevin

Years of record
- to
The NOAA Extended Reconstruction Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) provides global, spatially complete SST data at a monthly timestep for 1854-present. Compared to the…
Experts contributing reviews
- Huang, Boyin

Years of record
- to
"The CMCC Global Ocean Physical Reanalysis System (C-GLORS) is used to simulate the state of the ocean in the last decades. It consists of a variational data…
Main variables and Earth System components
Ocean Ocean Heat Content SST - sea surface temperature Salinity Sub Surface Salinity Sub Surface Temperature mixed layer depth sea surface height u, v current componentsExperts contributing reviews
- Storto, Andrea

Years of record
- to
ERA5, the successor to ERA-Interim, provides global, hourly estimates of atmospheric, ocean-wave and land-surface variables, at a horizontal resolution of 31 km and 137…
- Sub-daily, Daily, Monthly
- Global
- Diagnostic Data Sets
Experts contributing reviews
- Hersbach, Hans

Years of record
- N/A
Coral records are one of the main types of high-resolution (annual to sub-annual) paleoclimate proxies, providing timeseries of environmental conditions reaching hundreds to…
Main variables and Earth System components
Atmosphere Evaporation Evaporation-Precipitation Precipitation Ocean Salinity SST - sea surface temperature-
- ascii | HTML Table | Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) | Matlab
- N/A
- Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Tropics
- N/A
Experts contributing reviews
- Lawman, Allison

Years of record
- to
GODAS is a real-time ocean analysis and a reanalysis. It is used for monitoring, retrospective analysis as well as for providing oceanic initial conditions for the CFS. Both…
Main variables and Earth System components
Ocean 3D Velocity SST - sea surface temperature Salinity heat flux isothermal layer depth mixed layer depth potential temperature salt flux sea surface height-
- Monthly, Pentad
- Global
- Climate Analysis Section (CAS) Data Catalog
Experts contributing reviews
- N/A

Years of record
- to
The CFSR is a third generation reanalysis product. It is a global, high resolution, coupled atmosphere-ocean-land surface-sea ice system designed to provide the best…
Main variables and Earth System components
Atmosphere Air Temperature Geopotential Height Precipitable water Ocean-
- Sub-daily, Monthly
- Global
- Climate Analysis Section (CAS) Data Catalog
Experts contributing reviews
- N/A

Years of record
- to
The Simple Ocean Data Assimilation, or SODA, analysis is an ocean reanalysis data set consisting of gridded variables for the global ocean, as well as several derived fields…
Main variables and Earth System components
Wind Stress Ocean 3D Velocity potential temperature Salinity sea surface height SST - sea surface temperature u, v current componentsExperts contributing reviews
- N/A

Years of record
- N/A
A climate index is a simple diagnostic quantity that is used to characterize an aspect of a geophysical system such as a circulation pattern. A variety of methods have been…
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Overview / Comparison page
Experts contributing reviews
- N/A